LaviFresh ®

DO Booster and Alkalinity Stabilizer

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is the most important and critical water quality parameter because of its direct effect on the feed consumption and metabolism of shrimp as well as indirect influence on the water quality. Maintenance of adequate level of dissolved oxygen in pond water is very important to shrimp growth and survival. DO can be affected by many factors particularly water temperature, respiration of plants and animals and the level of organic matter. LaviFresh has applied for supplementation of excess dissolved oxygen and stabilizes the alkalinity levels in the pond environments. LaviFresh has formulated with special Calcium Perforates.


Calcium Perforates with Boosters and Stabilizers.


  • Quick release of Dissolved Oxygen
  • Maintains the optimum Alkalinity and water color
  • Supress the toxic gases like H2S, Ammonia and Nitrites
  • Lowers the shrimp stress during moulting and bad weathers


  • Moulting period: 4-5 kg/acre
  • Heavy Algal blooms: 3-4 kg/acre in the late night OR early morning hours
  • Partial Harvest period: 4-5 kg/acre OR As suggested by Aquaculture Consultant